Christian Martin


Pictures of Christian Martin

Biography of Christian Martin

Name: Christian Martin

Age: 25

Country: Spain

Experience in porn: since 2009

Photography, music, traveling, going out to good parties, being a scout for new models.


He’s the main actor and the director/producer of C-Martin’s studio. He began making porn scenes in 2009 in Barcelona with other companies. Later in 2012, he was proposed to work with companies in United Kingdom and Germany, so he made several scenes with them until 2013. He’s now working hard for C-Martin’s which is his own company.

You can hire him…

This model is available for:

  • Gogo dancer in your parties
  • Stripper (public venues and private clients)
  • Live sex shows (public venues and private clients)
  • Photographic model (all types of photography)

Social Links


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